Tag Archives: Brunch

Oyamel Gluten-Free and Allergen Brunch Menu

To read my full review of brunch at Oyamel, click here to access it.  Once I picked out a weekend that would be perfect for a Washington DC adventure, I knew I had to do my homework to figure out where I wanted to stop and eat while in the city.  Oyamel quickly emerged as a great option after doing a few Google searches and checking out Find Me Gluten […]

Kite Hill Almondmilk Cream Cheese Review

Cream cheese is just one of those things you think you lose forever when going dairy-free. After all, most dairy-free cheeses fail to capture the “creamy” quality that makes cream cheese such a luxury. Believing I was doomed to eat topping-less bagels for all eternity, I couldn’t believe my eyes when I spotted almond milk cream cheese at my local Whole Foods Market. With the highest of hopes, I invested […]

The Bald Strawberry Cafe Review

When it comes to “eating out without” gluten and dairy, I’ve sampled restaurants that run the gamut from 100% gluten-free to gluten-filled establishments that serve gluten-free fare on the side. Given the choice, I’d choose a dedicated gluten-free establishment any day! With only 48 hours left in my winter break, I wanted to make the most of my time left, and decided to venture beyond my Central Florida comfort zone […]

Raglan Road Irish Pub and Restaurant Review (Brunch)

I am now counting down the days until I make my return to the great state of Maryland and my second home town of Baltimore. With less than a week to go until I trade in the pristine perfectness of Florida winter for the harsh reality of the colder climate up north, I wanted to make the most of my final week and jumped at the chance to meet up with […]

Miss Shirley's Cafe Review

Getting to eat breakfast at a restaurant is a real treat for me. After all, breakfast is often the most limiting meal of the day for me in restaurants given the reliance on gluten and dairy full staples offered by most breakfast places. Coupled with the fact that I’m an early riser and eat breakfast before my family most days, breakfast earns the honor of the most underrepresented meal on […]